Baby-Registry Recs and Craigslist Scams

What an educational ep: Erica teaches Claire about Craigslist scams, and Claire schools Erica on the wild, wild world of baby registries. (Can you want a leopard-print carrier and not an infant??)

The linkage:

the sponsors (and promos!):

  • Make something design-y with Projector. It’s free to sign up and use!

  • Try COOLA and its wonderful new Organic Skincare line—10% off with the code ATHINGORTWO.

  • Consider Upstart to tackle your credit and see if you can lower your monthly payments.

  • Look to Stitch Fix to find clothes you’ll love to wear. Use our link for 25% off when you keep everything in your Fix.

  • Up your snacking with Pipcorn. Use the code ATHINGORTWO for 20% off some of our faves.


What an educational ep: Erica teaches Claire about Craigslist scams, and Claire schools Erica on the wild, wild world of baby registries. (Can you want a leopard-print carrier and not an infant??) You want more? We got more! It's called Secret Menu, friends, and signing up will get access to Claire's baby-registry, er, motherload.


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