A Thing Or Two We’re Doing Besides Slipping Back Into Your Inbox

Hi, friend! It’s been a while. But this newsletter—FKA 10 Things—is officially back, and it will be hitting your inbox on Mondays if you’ll have us. (And if you know anyone else who’d like to be on the receiving end, direct them here.) Speaking of Mondays, that’s when we release new episodes of our podcast, also called A Thing or Two. If you like this email and haven’t given that a listen, well, something tells us you’ll be into it, too. Who doesn’t want to hear about parenthood anniversaries and GF pets?

erica’s things

claire’s things

  • Waiting impatiently for my favorite jeans to be released in a new wash so it’s not quite so obvious to everyone that I wear the same exact pants every day.

  • Feeling like I’ve acquired two very wise and wonderful older sisters via the Everything is Fine podcast, where Kim France and Tally Abecassis talk about life after 40.

  • Bragging about how fancy my purse snacks are these days.

  • Turning to @andreaanimates for all the felted stop-motion animation I never knew I needed in my life but definitely did.

  • Falling hard for two kids who spontaneously combust on the reg, along with their insanely likeable caretaker, in Nothing to See Here, one of the best books I’ve read in a good long while.


A Thing Or Two We’re Doing Besides Getting You Up To Speed


10 Things We're Doing Besides Saying Bye for Now