A Thing Or Two We’re Doing Besides Opening Up

Should your Monday need a little polish, a bit of flair: We have Rachel Seville Tashjian Wise, fashion news director at Harper’s Bazaar and newsletter-er at Opulent Tips, on the podcast this week. Also, our IG followers have been doing some pretty major Thingies shares if you feel like following along or joining in on the fun.

erica’s things

claire’s things

  • Thanking the universe for recognizing my wishes: This masterpiece is coming to Broadway.

  • Refusing to give up my gel manicures, so turning to these, which have the added bonus of making me laugh.

  • Loving that brands are getting into resale of their own products—this and this both caught my eye.

  • Adding these to my migraine treatment regime. 


A Thing Or Two We’re Doing Besides Checking The Time


A Thing Or Two We’re Doing Besides Dusting Off Our Dance Moves