A Thing or Two We’re Doing Besides Moving to Substack

It’s Announcement City, U.S.A., over here! Starting next week, this email will be coming at you via Substack. It will remain free (as it has been since 2012…which, weird flex but okay!). There will also be a paid subscriber situation if you want to be able to access and search the archives of 220-and-counting missives we’ve sent since 2020. Thank you for your support always and for making being in your inbox every week such a GD treat.

erica’s things

  • Offering absolutely no explanation for why this very simple salad tastes as good as it does.

  • Vouching that a rewatch of Dave feels every bit as relevant as a rewatch of Veep.

  • Considering basket-weaving.

  • Wondering how much of a mess Tajín Mini would make if it spilled in my bag and whether that’s worth the risk.

  • Picking up the term “small awe” and using it in a sentence.

claire’s things


A Thing or Two We’re Doing Besides Settling Into Our New Home


A Thing or Two We’re Doing Besides Launching a New Company