A Thing Or Two We’re Doing Besides Listing Our Favorite Foods

This week on the podcast, our thoughts on plant-sourcing, second kids, and slackers (<< looking at you, Jordan Catalano). We’ve been getting incredible voicemails lately (and playing them at the end of episodes!), so if you want in on the fun, give us a ring at 833-632-5463.

erica’s things

claire’s things

  • Responding to all the DMs we get seeking wedding-dress advice with some ideas.

  • Following this one for A+ insta stories analyzing how we interact with images ~these days~. Here she is on the Vogue war in Ukraine coverage.

  • Tracking plaster’s big moment and witnessing what its level-up looks like.

  • Getting as much (maybe more?) out of this as my son has, I think.

  • Finding the humor and humanity in fan culture.


A Thing Or Two We’re Doing Besides Gving You The Scoop


A Thing Or Two We’re Doing Besides Keeping This Short