10 Things We're Doing Besides Thinking Up Witty Subject Lines

erica’s things

claire’s things

  • Giving gravity—and stress—the ole heave-ho for an hour by hanging out in a pitch-dark, epsom-salt-filled float pod.

  • Banking a new party trick: Shoving my phone in people's faces to show them the money shot from this cents-less accident.

  • Passing out copies of The New Better Off to friends, and not just because I'm dying to talk about it with anyone who will listen—it's an immensely useful and comprehensive consideration of the changing standards we're all holding ourselves to.

  • Revisiting a high-school love affair...with Ally McBeal. Late nineties fashions, early Jane Krakowski, and that dancing baby—a perfectly escapist time capsule.

Other people's things (aka #my10things—submit away!):

turn it up to 11—from claire!


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