10 Things We're Doing Besides Reading, Leading, and Succeeding
erica’s things
Feeling a rosewater obsession comin' on, fueled by this Mario Badescu face spray (which, it should be noted, mists uncommonly well).
Apartment-cleaning to the captivating episode of Death, Sex & Money with Brooke Shields, who I haven't quite known how to feel about since reading that so, so good Andre Agassi autobiography, Open.
Uncovering a faster way to cook sweet potatoes that's also 1) very tasty 2) healthy and 3) filling, with lots of beans and kale. Does it sound like I'm doing a hard sell? Because I am.
Fancifying my shower timez with these DIYed aromatherapy tablets/bombs/melts/what-have-yous that I discovered via Simple Matters. Currently playing: grapefruit and jasmine.
Learning that the super-influential Paris store Merci has a blog—one that involves vegetable peelers and outrageous ice cream cakes, even.
claire’s things
Getting into a truly consistent meditation routine for the first time ever with this app, which has a seemingly infinite selection of guided recordings to choose from so you can pick the length, topic, and style that feels right for you.
Recognizing way too much of my father and my husband in the subjects of this amazing Instagram feed.
Spending a weekend exploring the Berkshires (MassMoCA and Clark Instititute both live up to the hype, BTW) using the cozy and adorable Hotel on North as our jumping-off point. I also hear good things about their sister hotel, Porches.
Amping myself up to knit something more complicated than a beanie thanks to the copious amounts of inspiration found at The Knitorious.
Coming way late to the game on the so, so great, must-see musical that is Fun Home—and, hey, you can probably afford to buy tickets to this show without mortgaging your home!
turn it up to 11—from erica!
Finding a way to wear fringe that suits someone who has never attended Coachella or even aspired to (i.e., me).