10 Things We’re Doing Besides Fantasizing About Vacation

erica’s things

claire’s things

  • Activating every craving imaginable while browsing Mouth, a site selling indie food products, packaged perfectly for gifting.

  • Admitting that half the reason I am in-the-know about anything outside of work is because I keep on top of Nora Sherman’s personal-but-still-so-servicey blog.

  • Not knowing whether to feel depressed or optimistic to learn that a price increase of 10 cents per garment would be enough to modernize factories like the one that collapsed in Bangladesh.

  • Stocking my freezer with Barry’s Tempeh after discovering it at Smorgasburg. I’m far from a vegetarian, but this stuff is delish.

  • Feeling inspired by Jessi Arrington’s talk on unapologetic enthusiasm—yes, it’s long, but it gave me the courage to approach Mindy Kaling when I saw her on the street this week, which makes it totally worth it.


10 Things We’re Doing Besides Wishing We Could Curl Up Inside a Freezer


10 Things We’re Doing Now That all our TV Shows are Ending