10 Things We're Doing Besides Carding All Dads

erica’s things

  • Prepping for vacation by setting up If This, Then That hacks—like one to text me when I get messages from certain email addresses so that I keep my nose outta my inbox .

  • Crowning this pea pesto with pasta my what’s-in-the-freezer, steamy-kitchen dinner king.

  • Learning a lot about the history of dating from the book Labor of Love. Such as: Didya know that in 1965 T.G.I. Friday’s was the first ever straight singles bar, modeled after the gay bars in NYC’s West Village?

  • Feeling both pride and shame for having purchased these somehow-fancy shipping labels. They really do make living that boxes-in, boxes-out ecomm lyfe so much easier.

  • Drinking up the goofy and bright blog Wine. All the Time, the only thing that’s ever made me want to read vino reviews.

claire’s things

  • Vowing (for real this time) to never be without an emergency stash of my migraine pills because the seriously brilliant, stupidly simple Capsule Pharmacy has taken away every last excuse I had left.

  • Finally understanding the whole YouTube personality thing—the hilarious and charming Evelyn from the Internets cracked it open for me. Start with this gem of a Beyoncé tribute.

  • Picking up the pieces of my blown mind after discovering Hands On Everyday, which appears to meet me exactly where I’m at with my graphic-design needs.

  • Declaring this seriously inspirational Instagram account the final push I needed to get with the program and start watching Murder She Wrote.

  • Getting impatient for the Olympics because I can only watch this Simone Biles video on repeat so many times before I’m going to need some fresh material.

turn it up to 11—from erica!

  • Squeezing in an emergency pedicure: I went about 10 days without this polish on ma toes, and it felt way too long.


10 Things We're Doing Besides Asking For Your Things


10 Things We're Doing Besides Truly, Madly, Deeply Discounting